My father gave me my love of walking; my mother, reading. Both are friends. Neither a stranger. So, let me introduce you to 7 of the friends I’ve never met but know well. For sure, I know my life has been enriched by our conversations.
Julia Cameron — The Artist’s Way
Natalie Goldberg — Writing Down the Bones
Twyla Tharp — The Creative Habit with Mark Reiter, contributor
Stanley Fish — How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One
Virginia Woolf — A Room of One’s One
Gertrude Stein — Tender Buttons. Blood on the Dining Room Floor
and my newest friend:
Austin Kleon — Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative.
Go to your local bookshop.
Go to your local library.
Get some tea.
Read. Savor. Life is good.